• Our solicitors will make a claim on your behalf for the full amount you invested.

    We will also claim for reimbursement of interest on your behalf.

    The interest rate, set by the Court, is usually in the region of 3-4%.

  • The time frame for a case to be settled in Court is generally 12-18 months, though most cases we have dealt with have tended to settle successfully out of court.

  • We do not claim for the rental income you were promised but have not received. Our aim is to get back the money you invested

  • Claims should be initiated as soon as you are aware that you are in a position to make one.

    Your opponent should be put on notice at the earliest opportunity once you have decided to make the claim.

    This is very much in your interest and the interests of all claimants if you are part of a larger group claim.

    This is considered best practice for litigation pre-action protocol and as such the Court will expect any claim to be made at the earliest opportunity on that basis.

    Not following this protocol could have potentially negative consequences once your case goes to Court.

    In order to fully comply with litigation protocol therefore it is best to start a claim, even where the size of claim is still to be agreed by the administrators of the failed development.

    Initiating a claim in a timely manner also means your case should settle all the sooner.

    So from all perspectives getting a claim underway as soon as you can is very much to your advantage.

  • Our lawyers will represent you on a 'No Win, No Fee' basis.

    There are always expenses incurred in any litigation, including group litigation, such as court fees, barrister’s fees and Legal Expense Insurance.

    Acting as part of a group means there are more people sharing these expenses which results in an overall reduction in cost for each individual.

    A well managed and represented group will be taken more seriously than an individual litigant.

    This is very helpful in negotiating final settlement sums and securing the best outcome for your claim.